Monday, August 17, 2009

Ninkasi Brewing Co., Radiant (Seasonal Summer Ale)

Radiant, by Ninkasi Brewing Company: Summer Ale, 6% ABV, 1 pint 6 oz bottle

In the classic Ninkasi style this light summer ale is balance with hops and is bitter for being a summer ale. Their slogan is “Worship the Goddess” referring to Ninkasi, the goddesses of Fermentation, but I feel this brewery might want to look towards Ceres, the Roman goddess of Agriculture. They sure do love their hops.

At first poor there is suggestions of hop and yeast flavors to come but as the foam dissipates the nose becomes a mellow combination of malt with some flowery back tones. Foam retention isn’t a strong point for this beer but who cares as it’s made for a hot summer night when you’re going to want to drink it cold. The taste is similar to an English ESP with just a bit less malt. The mouthfill is smooth and crisp while the hops add a refreshing bitter after taste.

Unfortunately I don’t have any fruit in the house right now because I would love to see how this would compliment a slice a melon or a bowl of cherries. It’s summer time and for me that’s what summer ales should do; compliment the fruits and home grown veggies of the season by cleaning the palate and filling our spirits.

Next Beer: Blue Moon (some times you have to drink on the cheap!)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sierra Nevada, Kellerweis (Bavarian HefeWeizen made in CA)

Kellerweis, by Sierra Nevada: Wheat Ale, 4.8% ABV, 12 oz bottles only, Do not know if it was bottle conditioned

Brewed by Sierra Nevada in the style traditional Bavarian Style of using open fermentation.

I think I have just tasted my new favorite American Hefeweizen!!! Thanks J-time for donating this great beer.

The nose is a perfect blend of clover, yeast, and fruit. It has a wonderful retention of its white foamy head, and its color is a nicely clouded golden haze. The taste is not as fruity as its German counter parts but it does have a nice complex of mix of flavors ranging from clove to banana. There is no need for a lemon or orange slice in this glass!

I would combine this brew with something light. I thinks perhaps a nice Chinese Chicken Salad, grilled chicken with a citrus glaze, or even maybe a bowl of diced fruit. I know this is one of their knew year round brews but think spring and summer when matching this to your next meal.

Next Beer: ?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Wise

The Wise, ESB (Extra Special Bitter): English Style Bitter, 5.9% ABV, 39 IBU, 22 oz Bottle

Brewed by Elysian Brewing

Being inspired of late by various friends, I have finally decided to sit down and review another beer. So after making the trip down to the basement, into the Kegerator, I found myself having to make a choice. As some of you may know I keep a variety of bottled beers on hand. Seeing that I just had a bit of dessert sweetness was on my mind, I choose The Wise.

At first poor you will notice its amazing dark copper color and white head. The Nose is very subtle and very much ruled by its malts while giving just hints of its hops with the slightest biscuit aroma. The taste is sweet with an unexpected light mouthfeel and backed astringent feel of being slightly hoppy. The bitterness of this beer is not overpowering, as you will find with many IPA’s, it serves more as an after thought to the sweet malt flavors.

Although I am enjoying this beer without food, I would suggest combining this brew together with a steak or grilled portabella mushroom (I don’t eat red meat). Maybe even a good Sheppard’s pie (vegetarian in my case).

This brew is great beer when, like some of us, you’ve been to one too many Hop Festivals and you’re kind of tired of extremely bitter beers.

Next Beer: ?

Stone Brewery's 13th Anniversary Ale: by Ben Sooking

Stone Brewery's 13th Anniversary Ale

Stone 13th Anniversary Ale pours brilliant deep red with a light tan foam. Up front, the aroma is all piney, resinous and citrus hops. Upon tasting, the hops are still on the front, and they are balanced with the malty, toffee like flavors contributed from the blend of crystal and amber malts used in the brewhouse.

The finish is deliciously bitter, with a touch of warmth provided by the 9.5% alcohol. Bitterness comes in at 90+ IBU.

Not for the casual beer drinker.. posted for Ben Sooking